Sunday 1 November 2009

Thinking about Media Change

The topic of this week’s lecture was ‘Thinking about Media Change.’ This involved looking at forms of old media such as the wireless and black and white television. The lecture then moved on to looking at the new media which is things such as mobile phones. The introduction of technological convergence then came up in the lecture and this intrigued me. This is the merging of two technologies into one new technology. In this blog I will look into the question, what impact has technological convergence had on new media?

A technological convergence can simply be described as bringing two forms of technology and putting them together. For example a phone and a walkman were put together at that formed the idea of the iPhone. Another example of this could be putting a camera and a mobile phone together to make a camera phone. The question that was asked at the beginning of the blog was what impact has technological convergence had on new media? I think that technological convergence has had a big impact on new media. This is because it has helped major companies such as Apple have developed several technologies such as a walkman, a phone, a camera and the internet and have come up with the iPhone.

There will always be a need for new media as Fidler 1997 says, “Humans seem to have a remarkable propensity for rapidly assimilating new ideas, products and services once they are perceived to fit into their personal and cultural definitions of reality.” This suggests that as media develops there are more likely to be technological convergences.

Here is a link to a website that gives you information about technological advances as well as a video of technological advances:

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