Sunday 1 November 2009

What Impact is Social Media having on blogs?

In today’s lecture we looked at blogging, and the origins of the term blog. The lecture then looked at several different aspects of the blog, for example blogs as social media and what impact blogs are having on the future of journalism. There was one question during the lecture that I kept asking myself, what impact is social media having on blogs? In this blog I will look to explore an answer to that question.
There is one theorist Jill Walker Rettberg who has studied the impact of blogs on the social media and has come up with this theory, “The solitude of reading and writing is perhaps, changing with blogs, which are more explicitly social forms of writing.” This theory suggests that a blog has become a more social form of communication between people. A large number of people use websites such as Facebook and Twitter to keep in contact with friends and family.
These websites can be seen as a type of blogging as you update your status to inform people what you are doing. I believe that the more people use websites such as Facebook then more news websites will use blogs as ways of reporting news and different reporters take on a story. This is a link to all the blogs on the BBC website:
This shows that large media organisations such as the BBC are using blogs as a more social way of reporting news.
In answer to my original question I feel that the social media is having an impact on blogs. This is mainly down to the emergence of websites such as Twitter which is a more social way of keeping a diary and letting people know what you’re doing.
This is a link to Jill Walker Rettberg’s Blog:

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